Ladenburger Forstservice

We offer a comprehensive service:
from timber harvesting through to complete marketing.

Ladenburger Forstservice GmbH logo

As a natural raw material, wood puts itself unselfishly at our disposal with all its positive properties. Keeping things this way is the task of those who use and process wood. This calls for responsibility when making use of it. We have been facing up to this responsibility for decades.

Ladenburger Forstservice GmbH therefore provides forest owners in the region comprehensive services for marketing round timber themselves. From planning logging, carrying out logging, transporting round timber out of the forest through to marketing it.

We get our wood from sustainably
managed forests in the
South of Germany.

go to round timber purchasing

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›› We feel compelled to preserve nature and the countryside
for future generations. ‹‹

Valuable raw material - Logging and forestry management (2)

Valuable raw material – 
Logging and forestry management

Holzwerke Ladenburger works together with environmental and nature conservation associations, takes the task bestowed on it very seriously and only intervenes in the biological equilibrium of a healthy forest as far as its responsibility allows. By-products from the production process are collected separately and made available for a further use. Sawdust, wood chips and shavings are recycled and supplied, for example, to the wood processing industry. Finally, the bark is used in the company’s own heating plants for thermal energy production, which closes the cycle in a natural way, one of many innovations that contributes to sustainability.


PEFC long

›› We feel compelled to preserve nature and the countryside
for future generations. ‹‹